Yoga is a path that leads towards a state where there are more calm nurturing moments than those where I feel stress. Yoga as a practice is about creating union of body, mind and spirit so that we are health and whole.
There are eight aspects of practice that are under the root term Ashtanga or Raja Yoga put into words by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. This is the big picture of what yoga practice really is.
There are eight aspects of practice that are under the root term Ashtanga or Raja Yoga put into words by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. This is the big picture of what yoga practice really is.
1. Yamas: ethical observances
- Practice: Non-violence, truthfulness, control of the senses, non-stealing, and do not receive of others kindness more than needed.
- Practice: cleanliness, contentment, warrior-like dedication, perpetual self-study, and surrender to the notion that there is a higher power, life force, God, energy, breath, whatever you want to call it exists.
3. Asana: practice of mindful postures that uncover the tight, tense, and weak areas of the body where the energy is blocked. Through the postures build strength, balance, and flexibility.
4. Pranayama: the art of manipulating the breath for a desired benefit.
5. Pratyahara: withdrawal of the senses (moments when you are touching enlightenment - your mind is calm and you think of nothing without realizing it).
6. Dharana: practicing one-pointed concentration
7. Dhyana: practicing meditation and inward focus
8. Samadhi: experiencing a state of divine bliss or super-conciousness
Through practicing Raja Yoga rather than the strictly physical path one is able to live in a way that cultivates health for the mental, physical and spiritual body.
Through practicing Raja Yoga rather than the strictly physical path one is able to live in a way that cultivates health for the mental, physical and spiritual body.
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Keri Marino is an internationally Registered Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist. She's owns and operates Yoga Unique offering therapy, classes, workshops and yoga products. Keri teachers both privately and publicly around the Greenville area. Check out more here: YogaUnique